This morning my wife and I had to take our youngest daughter to get her tonsills removed. While waiting in the lobby, I noticed this peculiar looking woman sitting a across from me. She had one of those walk behind carring cases that people might have to carry groceries home. Nothing unusual about it accept that it was covered in cats. Not litterally. It was the pattern that caught my eye. It gave me the impression that she had a deep apreciation for her feline friends that I could not fully appreciate. She undoubtedly frequents pet boutiques. You know what I mean. Those places that sell dog dish coasters and specialty cookies. The last time I wandered into one, my son who was 4 at the time about tore the place down when I told him I would not buy him a cookie. It was ironic though that people train their dogs not to do such things by giving them a cookie. Maybe I should have gotten him one. Surely he would have gotten the picture. Or Not. Anyway, this woman with the cat bag was wearing the legendary "Snuggie". It was a tan one though so as not to be obtrusive. I just never thought I would see someone wearing one in public. Maybe it gave her some sort of comfort that she might have been lacking without her cats. Or possibly the thought of un-covering to walk across the room to get a magazine was simply unbearable. Regardless, walk across the room is what she did. She went to the receptionist counter to ask for a drink and almost tripped several times along the way. Not only did she get acceptional service from the nurse who brought her a coke, she was able to do it from the comfort of her snuggie. So, with cat bag in tow, drink in hand, and snuggie to keep her warm, she was ready to take on whatever the world threw at her. I wish I had had a snuggie on when I rear ended the lady at the red light as I was leaving the surgery center. Cat woman has wisdom beyond mine. Now that I'm $149.00 out of pocket for the citation I can't even afford the Snuggie I so desperately need to make it through another day.